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Reiki Seminars

This page kind of covers a very brief overview of what we teach in our Reiki Seminars.

Reiki First Degree

The Seminar spawns 2 days (generally over the weekend).
The duration is generally 1PM-6PM the first day and 10AM-6PM the second day.

Topics/ Things Covered:

  • Two pairs (Total 4) of attunements. One pair given each day for activating the chakras.
  • Basic Knowledge about Reiki (History and Science).
  • A complete Hands-on Session of the Full-body treatment.
  • Other execises like Light-circle, Chakra Meditation and Star Exercise.
A book, an Audio Casette/CD and a Certificate will also be given as the part of the training.

Reiki Second Degree

The Seminar spawns 2 days (generally over the weekend).
The duration is generally 1PM-6PM the first day and 10AM-6PM the second day.

Topics/ Things Covered:

  • Attunement of the 3rd Eye to empower it further.(Improves healing capacity 4 times)
  • Additional Methodology of Treatment like Distance(Absent) Healing.
  • In-depth explanation of the meaning of the 3 symbols, which are shared at this level.
  • Two meditations: Rebirth and Childhood to cleanse stored negativity.
  • Intention Box treatment and Auto-suggestions to empower the desires.
  • Methodology to take Full-body Reiki treatment in very less time.
  • Pranayam and few other exercises/discussions.
A set of instructions, a symbol sheet and a Certificate will also be given as the part of the training.

For both the Seminars:
Snacks and Refreshments will be provided on both days and Lunch will also be provided on the second day.

Reiki Third Degree

This is further categorized into 3-A and 3-B.

The 3-A degree is a one-day seminar and spawns for around 6 hours.
Topics/ Things Covered:

  • Attunement of the crown chakra for spiritual empowerment.
  • Knowledge of the 4th Symbol for the highest healing power. (About 10 times)
A set of instructions, a symbol sheet and a Certificate will also be given as the part of the training.

The 3-B degree is for the Teacher-Level.
Topics/ Things Covered:
  • Here, knowledge about how attunements are done, how seminars should be conducted etc. is provided to the attendee.
  • Help is provided with the materials and other things that will help the person to be an effective Reiki Teacher.

Our Reiki Publications

We have published a book on Reiki (there are 2 versions: one in English and one in Gujarati).
In case you need the book or multiple copies of our books, please Contact Us.

Gujarati Version English Version